Rearranged date for the first idle of the season! Saturday 16th January 2010. A Congress of the Somerset and Devon Idlers.
Calling all idlers. Bob has got round to organising (?) an idle.
Meet up Saturday the 16th January 2010 at The Travellers Rest , Merridge on top of the Quantocks.at 1pm. Map ref ST 334210 . TA51BA.
( If anyone would like to come to Bob’s place at 12.30pm he has offered to chauffeur them in one of his limousines.TA66PL. ST 312282.) Those who wish to luncheon at the inn may do so. Others may like to eat beforehand. The intention is to firstly visit the Abode of Love or Agapemone at Four Forks Spaxton. This was the home of a strange Religious/sexual sect in the 19th Century. Then we will visit the home of a man who did weird electrical experiments in the 18thC. This is called Fyne Court and is also the HQ of the Somerset Trust for Nature Conservancy. We may visit the church to examine the gravestone of Andrew Crosse. After this Bob invites you to return to his abode for tea and cake in The Pavilion. You could also marvel at his fine collection of sheds.